Monday 21 September 2015

Baking Tips For starters

Baking is easy when you follow ceratin basic steps or tips. First read the entire recipe before you start cooking. All the ingredients should be ready next you.. It shouldn't be like you start the procecedure and run in search of each ingredient.

Here I give you few tips which I have followed as a beginner..

1.Good results start in the mixing bowl:

A cake is like a chemistry experiment where a series of ingredients are mixed in a specific order to cause reactions that produce specific effects.


Butter cakes, like pound cakes and most layer cakes, get their soft, fine texture and moistness—called a crumb—by first creaming together fat and sugar, adding eggs, and slowly incorporating dry ingredients into the mixture while alternating with a liquid, such as milk or buttermilk.

 Angel food, sponge, and chiffon cakes get their signature airy, foamlike textures when whole eggs or egg whites (depending on the cake) are whipped until voluminous, then folded into the batter. The air incorporated by whipping the eggs gives these cakes volume, making them springy and elastic. 

So whatever cake you’re making, be sure to follow the recipe instruction closely. The order and method described really counts when cake baking. 

2. Know ur oven

To prevent an under- or overdone cake, get an oven thermometer—it’s the best way to be sure your oven is calibrated correctly. Bake the cake in the middle (too close to the top or bottom can cause overbrowning). Gently close the oven door—a hard slam can release air bubbles trapped in the batter. To check for doneness, lightly press the center of the cake; if it springs back, it’s done. Or insert a wooden pick; it should come out clean.

3. Weigh, Measure,Flour:

Proper measuring cups and spoons should be used... 
If you don’t have a kitchen scale, it’s time to buy oneWeight is the only accurate way to measure flour. Depending on how tightly flour is packed into a measuring cup, you can end up with double the amount intended.

4. Use right flour for recipe:

Different flours contain varying percentages of protein—the more protein, the more gluten. Cake flour has the least protein and yields extra-light baked goods, like angel food cake. Bread flour has the most and is used for denser items; all-purpose is in the middle and produces tender cakes.