Wednesday 19 August 2015

Chicken Pepper Rice

This recipe is inspired by Thai cooking.. I have modified slightly according to our taste buds...
The main ingredient here is pepper..
Rice used is jasmine rice, you can even try with the small grain rice available..
Usually this is stirr fried and  left over rice is used..
Here I have cooked this in pressure cooker
I find cooking this way gives the rice the complete flavour and its easy as well..

Chicken pepper rice:

Chicken cut into small cube pieces
Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
Peppercorns 11/2 tsp
Carrot cut into cubes 1/4 cup
Onions sliced 1/4 cup
Bell peppers or capsicum 1/4 cup
Salt to taste
Jasmine rice 1 cup.
Olive oil 1 tbsp

Grind the peppercorns with ginger garlic and keep aside
Heat oil in a cooker once it's heated add ginger garlic and peppercorns paste and sauté for 1 to 2 min..
To this add chicken and cook for around 5 min under a medium flame
Keep stirring so that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the cooker..
Now add the vegetables and salt and sauté again for a minute or two..
At this point add rice and mix well
Now add the sufficient water cover the lid ,once the vapour comes put the weight and reduce the flame to low and cook for 5 mins exactly at 5 min off the stove..once its vapour completed goes it's ready to be served..

 Notes :
 For 1 cup rice take 11/2 cup water.( take the same glass for measuring rice and water)