Monday 11 March 2013

Summer Specials

Grape & Sweet Lime Delight:


  • Grapes 1/2 cup ( prefr black) seadless
  • Sweet Lime 2 pealed and seadless
  • Lychee juice 2tbsp( optional)
  • vanilla ice cream 1 scoop
  • sugar 1 cup

  • Mix grapes, sweet lime and lychee juice in a juicer
  • To that add sugar
  • Mix all together
  • Then add icecream and give a mild blend 
  •  Grape & sweet lime delight is ready
  • Serve Chilled

Watermelon Wonder

  • Watermelon - 2cup
  • Crushed ice
  • Honey- 2 to 3tbsp

  • Cut the watermelon into small pieces
  • In a blender First crush the ice
  • To that add watermelon and blend
  • Do not blend completely , just crush it
  • To this mixture add honey and blend once
  • Watermelon Wonder is ready to serve. 
Guava Cooler

  • Guava red/white - 2 nos
  • Honey - 2 tbsp
  • Lime juice -2 tbsp
  • Water as required 

  • Cut Guava into small cubes
  • Blend it in a mixer for one minute
  • Do not blend too long time so that you grind the seeds also but,
  • Make sure the fruit is grinded smoothly
  • Strain the friut using a metal strainer by adding little water
  • To that add  lime juice , honey and mix well
  • Guava Cooler is Ready.

Tender Coconut pudding/Elaneer Pudding/Karikku Pudding


  • 2 pack milk
  • 1 pack china grass
  • Sugar 4 to 5 tbsp
  • Tender coconut 2

  • Boil milk in a pan
  • Add sugar and china grass
  • Keep stirring until the china grass dissolves completely
  • Blend elaneer in a blender 
  • Then add this to the milk
  • Let it cool and refrigerate for 1 hr
  • Easy and fast Elaneer pudding is ready.

Tips Corner: To Stay Healthy In Summer

  • Water is the best option to quench thirst
  • Avoid caffeinated or carbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, and those high in sugar.
  •  Do not drink very chilled liquids.
  • Eat light, nutritious and non-fatty meals
  • Drink lemon juice, coconut water and thin buttermilk 
  • Minimise the intake of hot, spicy foods and extremely salty foods
  • Maintain good hygiene levels.